2300km, but where to start?

As you can imagine, a 19day epic generates a fair amount of copy.

You can go right to the beginning of the whole ordeal, or the startline/day 1.

I'm looking at moving from a general ride report to a more up to date what's happening site. Yes, Freedom Challenge doesn't just finish in Paarl! When i get round to it, there'll be a PDF of the 19days reports.

Send some feedback (I'm aware that the whole layout is just, well kinda rubbish!)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Well I live in cape town. People start moaning about the cold when winter hits us solid and the mercury drops to single digits – the DRAMA! How the hell do I train for some cold weather riding, and what should I even take?

Well this little gem came in the inbox a while ago. I’m not sure I’ll use any of pete’s tips. In fact I’m still not sure he isn’t just taking the piss. Just remember your Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions and you’ll see why.

Cold : greater than 15 degrees F
Very cold : 0 through 15 Degrees F
Extreme cold : -15 through 0 degrees F
Insane cold: below -15 degrees F

In the metric world that is
-9 => -17
-17 => -26

Who actually even leaves the house when it’s 26 below freezing?

Okay, maybe the one about the third sock.

he has put some pics up here too.

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